Since people not excactly is quing up to answer your question, please
allow me to try to answer your question
In my travel report from Belarus I have made some comment of the last
election under the 23rd of March:
My story builds on Aage Borchrevink's "Eurostories", a Norwegian
Helsinki commity member.
To sum up:
1) there is hardly any such thing as an election in the sense that
anyone but the existing police democratatorship can actually win in
2) anyone even close to have a realistic chance of winning is likely to
be eliminated before the election takes place (is there any interesting
candidates this time?)
3) the people of Belarus probably have unutilized potential when it
comes to building a more sensible, political cohalition that stand a
chance to bring people togehter behind a project in the best interests
of all people of Belarus. That is of course easier said than done, but
not any harder than for the other CIS countries.
It is too easy just to point at this "president" guy. As far as I have
understood he was elected in the first place and second the propability
of change would be greater if there was more oppostional politicians
that was a big enough threat for the sitting regime to get rid off.